Digital Advertising and Gamification
64% of people say they’ve been influenced to buy something by watching a video online. [...]
Innovate or fail: How digital innovation is the key to survival in a crisis
It is widely accepted that the COVID crisis has forced as much change in 10 [...]
No more silence, no more hollow words – Why brands need to find something to stand for
Brands can’t have it both ways. If they want to be prominent in our lives, [...]
Nuevos formatos – Compra instantánea
La crisis del COVID ha hecho que las empresas cambien y evolucionen de una manera [...]
5 Do’s and 5 Don’ts for communicating during continued lockdown
The pandemic has triggered many new ways of doing things, and communication is one of [...]
New innovative formats – Instant Purchase
The COVID crisis has seen companies pivot at impressive speeds, with a quicker adoption in [...]