Green Gamification
Governments around the world are currently trying to slow down climate change and protect the [...]
Tetra Pak water carton with connected QR experience achieves Gold at Packaging Afristar Awards
Tetra Pak’s Tetra Prisma Aseptic 500ml water carton – utilising QR technology to provide a [...]
Tetra Prisma® Aseptic 500ml connected experience wins gold at Afristar 2022 packaging awards
23 November 2022, London - World leading food processing and packaging company Tetra Pak has [...]
Don Simon unveils 100% sustainable smart packaging featuring the world’s first Pure-Pak® eSense carton
21 November 2022, Madrid – Spanish number one juice brand in Spain, Don Simon, has [...]
Connected Packaging success stories
Connected packaging provides the solution to the long-standing goal of connecting with consumers in real [...]
ClubStubs and Appetite Creative develop collectible ticket stubs for major sporting events on the Solana Blockchain
14 November 2022, London - Digital sports collectibles platform ClubStubs, in partnership with creative technology studio [...]