Connected Packaging2024-09-25T14:50:44+00:00


Connected Packaging opens the door to two-way communication with your end customer. Our global proprietary platform QR Connect allows enterprises to deliver marketing smart packaging, intelligent packaging, QR packaging and customer engagement experiences at scale.

We specialize in creating interactive experiences and gamification through Smart Packaging, Intelligent Packaging, and QR Packaging to enhance messaging and boost sales. Our focus is on leveraging Connected Packaging to not only educate customers but also gain deeper insights into consumer behavior, foster improved interactions, and achieve high engagement rates. Serving clients across the EMEA, Americas, and MENA regions, Appetite Creative helps brands realise the potential of their most powerful marketing asset already found in the hands of their customers, by turning product packaging and any object into a media channel.


The Ultimate Guide to Connected Packaging – Download the FREE E-Book

Our Capabilities

Artificial Intelligence (AI)2024-09-10T10:31:26+00:00

Using AI in Connected Packaging can be approached from multiple aspects:

1. Personalization: AI can analyze consumer data and preferences to enable personalized packaging experiences. This includes customized product recommendations, packaging designs, and promotional offers tailored to individual consumers.

2. Supply Chain Optimization: AI-powered analytics can optimize supply chain operations, helping companies manage inventory more efficiently, predict demand, reduce waste, and ensure timely delivery of products.

3. Enhanced Customer Engagement: AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants can engage with customers through packaging, providing product information, answering questions, and offering assistance. This enhances the overall customer experience.

4. Anti-Counterfeiting: AI can be used to implement advanced anti-counterfeiting measures through serialization and authentication, ensuring product authenticity and consumer safety.

5. Dynamic Pricing: AI algorithms can adjust pricing in real-time based on factors like demand, location, and inventory levels, allowing businesses to optimize profitability and offer competitive pricing to consumers.

6. Consumer Insights: AI-driven sentiment analysis can analyze social media and online reviews related to packaging, providing insights into consumer sentiments and areas for improvement.


Elevate your brand’s environmental efforts while embracing modern technology. Provide innovative and engaging experiences for consumers, make data-driven decisions, reduce waste, optimize resources, and promote eco-friendly practices. Embrace sustainability with Connected Packaging and demonstrate your brand’s commitment to a greener future.

Loyalty Programs2024-07-26T06:07:17+00:00

By integrating IoT and smart packaging technologies, create personalized experiences for your consumers, offering rewards, gamified challenges, and exclusive content accessible through QR codes, RFID tags, or NFC chips. These programs as part of Connected Packaging not only strengthen customer loyalty but also provide valuable data insights to refine your marketing strategies and optimize product offerings.

Augmented Reality2024-07-26T06:06:56+00:00

Use impactful interactive Connected Experiences to bring your product or service to life. Here we have objects that reside in the real world enhanced by computer-generated animations and objects. Augmented reality can be used for gamification, interactive experiences and 360 views of a product. Augmented reality opportunities in Connected Packaging are endless.

Interactive Packaging2024-07-26T06:51:26+00:00

Combining online with offline personas, our web apps connect with consumers, using the newest innovative technologies as part of Connected Packaging (for example IoT objects using NFC and QR codes, plus Digimark) and drive users to a particular action through immersive Connected Experiences.

Smart Packaging2024-07-26T06:49:55+00:00

Boost sales with Connected Packaging by offering discounts, vouchers, or sampling directly from the experience. We connect SMS, WhatsApp and email directly within the platform. Our Connected Experiences drive people to the nearest stores or participating locations where the products or samples will be available.

Digital Packaging2024-07-26T06:49:11+00:00

We help you create any package that features digital technology including QR codes, augmented reality, smartphone scanning and so on. Digital packaging solutions as part of Connected Packaging will provide the customers with a unique experience and your brand will stay top of mind.

Collect First Party Analytics2024-09-18T04:51:20+00:00

As a smart packaging company, we track how brands connect with today’s customers through our Liquid Platform. This platform allows brands to deploy Connected Experiences at scale – across multiple markets and languages.

Using business intelligence technology, the platform enables brands to uncover data points and insights at an SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), territory, or brand level. It tracks data at the user level so both brands and users can benefit from and optimise successful campaigns. Brands can learn about their customer base, collect their own first-party data, and become more consumer-centric by optimising their messaging based on these learnings.

Through first-party data collection and analysis, we can build market research around new product and flavour launches, allowing brands to:

  • Understand their audiences better,
  • Optimise campaigns,
  • Build compelling data stories that reveal previously unconnected statistics.

Our Connected Packaging solution can also collect and build CRM databases with GDPR-compliant data, helping brands become more customer-centric. User engagement behaviour is tracked at a personal level, allowing brands to gather their own first-party data.

Our easy-to-use databases, which can be downloaded as customisable documents, offer:

  • First-party data in real time,
  • Better data analysis,
  • Time-saving features.

The platform can identify who redeemed which coupon, how long users interacted, manage competitions, and store all this data in one easy-to-access, real-time, GDPR-compliant platform.

Drive Sales2024-07-26T10:33:53+00:00

This smart packaging solution allows you to boost sales with Connected Packaging by offering discounts, vouchers or sampling directly from the experience. We connect SMS, Whatsapp and email directly within the platform. Our Connected Experiences drive people to the nearest stores or participating locations where the products or samples will be available.

Drive Awareness & Educate2024-07-26T10:33:50+00:00

As a company offering Connected Packaging solutions, we understand that Connected Packaging is key to educating consumers about a particular brand or product’s unique positioning and messaging through gamification. Connected Experiences generate awareness. Supporting brands to launch new flavours, new products and boost education around brands’ commitment to particular Corporate Social Responsibility / Sustainability programs / Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). Through the data we collect via quizzes, loyalty cards etc – we are allowing brands to better understand their consumers and optimise marketing messages.

Appetite Creative’s innovative campaign was the ideal solution for us. Alongside Tetra Pak, they made sure they knew exactly what we needed then developed and delivered a Connected Packaging campaign with precision and professionalism.

— Amir Maslic, Senior Product Manager, Emmi Schweiz

how does it work?

01 Define the Objectives

Connected, smart and intelligent packaging campaigns have their own set objectives. In this phase we look at what we are trying to achieve and match that with the right technology and creative means in which we will achieve that. Once we know what we are trying to achieve we can pinpoint the correct experience for users to achieve that goal. Will we launch from connected packaging, digital display or outdoor? Do we need AR? gamification? Do we need social media to support?

02 Creative Process

Our teams of experienced UX design, graphic designers and specialist front and back end developers will then bring the connected packaging project to life. Using a staging link for you and your team to be able to preview the project through the development process.

03 Launch

Once we are ready to Launch we will monitor closely the whole way through. We will keep a close eye to see if we can help optimise or offer suggestions during the connected packaging campaign live phase and ensure. From our real-time dashboard which we can also brand for you, you will be able to download reports and graphs direct to pdf. Success!

At Appetite Creative, we excel in transforming packaging through our innovative Connected Packaging solutions using the QR Connect platform. Globally, we specialize in creating engaging experiences and fun content with Smart Packaging, Intelligent Packaging, and QR Packaging. Our main focus spans EMEA, Americas, and MENA regions, aiming to use Connected Packaging to understand customers better and make brand interactions more engaging. Packaging has become a powerful communication tool, allowing brands to connect with customers in new ways. The adoption of Connected Packaging surged to 81.5% in 2023 from 46% in 2022. Despite concerns about cost, more people now recognize its value in gathering data, shaping marketing strategies, and engaging customers. NFC tags (45.9%) and QR codes (31.8%) are popular, with 70% thinking about using gamification in marketing.

Our strength lies in using gamification and Connected Experiences to educate consumers, support brand launches, and promote Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. Our smart packaging solutions also help in direct sales by offering discounts, vouchers, and interactive playable ads through Connected Experiences. The Liquid Platform is where brands access valuable analytics, collecting data, improving campaigns, and tracking how users engage. Our process involves setting clear goals, using the latest technology, having experienced teams, and closely watching campaigns to ensure they succeed. At Appetite Creative, our goal is to transform packaging and offer brands great insights and effective strategies through our Connected Packaging solutions.


How do you collect first Party data?2024-08-02T09:22:05+00:00

Within our own platform, we create easy to use databases downloaded as customisable documents (clients’ own first-party data, in real-time, better data analysis, saves time) We provide a wealth of data, first-party completely GDPR compliant, to inform advertising campaigns and consumer engagement We can achieve tailored objectives such as awareness, drive to store, drive to purchase and influence consumer behaviour. For example, Samsung – drove awareness through play and collected a wealth of marketing data We track how brands connect with today’s customers through our Liquid Platform – tracking data at the user level so brands and users can benefit from and optimise truly successful campaigns – with the ability to learn about their customer base, collect their own first-party data and become more consumer-centric and optimise their messaging based on the learning.

I have a creative agency can we still work together?2024-07-26T10:28:53+00:00

Yes of course :) We can look after the whole process from concept, design, production and reporting or work with you and your internal teams of external creative agencies to create something together we can do as much or as little of the process as you need.

Can you create Unique or dynamic QR codes2024-07-26T10:28:25+00:00

Yes, we can create unique QR codes so that each product has its own unique QR, this enables us to track exact location and packing. It also means that we can run competitions or incentives that mean you must purchase multiple products for multiple entries into competitions or loyalty card experiences.

Do you need to build an app to create an experience?2024-07-26T10:27:57+00:00

No, not at all. We create web apps so that on scanning connecting with the IoT object or QR the user is automatically staying in the experience and not having to download or install anything at all. We must make it as easy as possible for as many people as possible to get involved and interact.

Why choose NFC, Beacon Technology or QR codes?2024-07-26T10:27:28+00:00

There are many reasons for each technology and we should chat through the options in line with your objectives. While NFC can be useful it still requires physical contact whereas beacon technology and QR codes do not. A QR on a billboard for example can be scanned from a distance of a metre. QR codes are cheaper and reach a wider audience since more phones can read them than those that can read NFC tags.

What metrics can you track?2024-07-26T10:26:55+00:00

We can track scans, engagement time, day and location, time of scan, rescans, any particular game metric, location of scan amongst any custom metrics in particular, you would like to track. All in real-time, so you can see exactly how your campaign is performing and also make optimisations in real-time.

Do you provide a report on the campaign’s performance?2024-07-26T10:26:35+00:00

Yes, you will have access to all relevant data about your campaign’s performance. From our real-time dashboard, you will be able to download reports and graphs direct to pdf.

If I have an idea for a digital game, can you implement it?2024-07-26T10:26:11+00:00

Can you implement this service in my already-existing app?
How long does it take for you to develop a connected packaging campaign?
That depends on what we need to do :) Average times are 4-12 weeks.

If I have an idea for a digital game, can you implement it?2024-07-26T10:24:17+00:00

Can you implement this service in my already-existing app?
Yes, we can incorporate our connected packaging solutions in any app, so it is not a problem if you have created one already.

If I have an idea for a digital game, can you implement it?2024-07-26T10:23:43+00:00

Every project is unique, but we have the best team of UX design, graphic designers and specialist front and back-end developers always ready to be challenged with new ideas – so the most likely answer to your question is ‘Yes!’.

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