iberia kids



Emails collected


Games played




Connected experience


2 months

Project Overview

For Iberia Kids (Tetra Pack) we created a connected experience where the user can scan the QR code on the package. The user then gets taken to the educational connected experience where there are two games, a quiz, and a selfie mode. The purpose of this connected experience campaign was to get the kids better educated on the healthy ingredients that the drinks contained. The points from all the game modes in the connected experience were then taken to a leaderboard in where the users could compete to be winner of the games.

the challenge

Iberia kids wanted to educate their young customer group with the ingredients that their drinks contained.

Our task was to create a connected experience for the customers of Iberia kids that was both educational and engaging.

the solution

Appetite provided a geometrical block-like structure for the web that plays with many different colours to represent the client’s diversity and representation values. Within the sleek design of the site is the subscription page, which clearly explains what each plan includes, allowing users to choose between a one-time contribution or a monthly payment and decide the preferred currency for each transaction.

The platform has direct Call-To-Action messages to offer the user alternative contribution methods, as well as other sections to learn more about the founders of the initiative, their story and the main goals of Team Pepper with interview videos and animations. A ‘Founder Wall’ was also set up to recognise sponsors. The site also features the option to leave the users’ contact information if they wish to learn more and to stay informed on any relevant updates.

the results

Appetite Creative delivered a unique-looking site that fits the purpose and intent the client was looking for, both informing about the objectives of the social enterprise itself and offering users a simple payment method to start funding for the project. The site received over 5.2K visitors and 45 membership purchases in the first week after going live.