At Appetite Creative’s recent Global Connected Packaging Summit 2023, a host of industry experts from Tetra Pak, Garcia Carrion, Amazon, Kellogg’s, Danone, Colgate and many others, discussed current packaging trends and how these might continue to change the way we use and interact with packaging.

The two-day conference brought together industry leaders, experts, and innovators to explore the transformative potential of connected packaging in creating seamless connections across both digital and physical spaces. 

The second day took a deep dive into connected packaging for sustainability and consumer connections, enhancing authentication, tracking, and consumer engagement and maximising the benefits of reusable packaging software among others. 

The key takeaways included:

1. Connected packaging for improved recycling

Gregor Murray, Ecommerce Channel Development Director at Kellogg’s shared insights on reusability strategies and the role of connected technologies for a more sustainable future.

While refillable and reusable shops have gained traction, integrating large-scale reuse systems into existing supply chains remains a challenge. For example, the infrastructure required to support refillable options on a supermarket scale is currently insufficient, as it would disrupt the established supply chain optimised for traditional packaging formats.

Deposit return schemes offer significant benefits, such as promoting reuse and waste reduction. However, challenges arise from storage and logistical issues faced by supermarkets. Financial incentives provided may not be sufficient to drive meaningful consumer behaviour change. An alternative idea proposed by soft drink companies is where bottle return bins would be placed in schools and children could collect and return the bottles, with the proceeds benefiting the schools. This approach combines recycling with environmental education and provides a more appealing incentive to encourage participation.

Connected Packaging holds immense potential in improving recycling processes by enabling communication between packaging and recycling centres. This technology can streamline sorting and increase recycling rates by providing accurate information about packaging materials and composition. 

2. It’s time to prioritise sustainability throughout business operations

Virginia Muriel, Sustainability Manager at Garcia Carrion highlighting the company’s commitment to sustainability, renewable energy, circular economy practices, eco-design, and consumer engagement.

Garcia Carrion has developed a comprehensive sustainability strategy aligned with the European Union’s farm-to-fork strategy and the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. This commitment extends throughout the entire value chain, as sustainability is embedded in every aspect of the business.

Its Three Plus Zero project, a circular economy initiative implemented by Garcia Carrion, aims to achieve zero waste, zero water consumption, and zero pollution emission. By repurposing waste products from orange juice production, such as creating perfumes and animal feed, the company has demonstrated its commitment to maximising resources and minimising waste.

Eco-design principles and reducing packaging waste improve packaging sustainability include the reduction of glass bottle weight, making them lighter and more environmentally friendly. 

Appetite Creative created a mobile application designed to engage consumers and educate them about sustainability and circular economy practices. By scanning product packaging, consumers gain access to information about Garcia Carrion’s commitment to the planet and can earn points towards rewards. This approach fosters a deeper connection between consumers and the brand, encouraging conscious purchasing decisions and promoting environmental awareness.

3. Combating counterfeiting 

Karan Rai, Chief Product & Technology Officer at Ennoventure Inc discussed the significance of authentication. Digitisation of packaging has led to an increased ability to track authentic packaging, but it has also provided counterfeiters with opportunities to infiltrate supply chains. It’s important to secure packaging through primary, secondary, and tertiary layers. Techniques such as branded artwork, advanced features, labels, and track-and-trace technologies are valuable ways to authenticate products and combat counterfeiting.

Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and invisible allow for instant feedback and proactive measures against fake products. By creating a link between physical and digital realms, companies can leverage the benefits of real-time authentication and consumer engagement.

Authentication is a global issue that spans all industries. It’s particularly critical in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, where counterfeit drugs pose life-threatening risks. Other industries, including beverages, FMCG goods, luxury goods, automotive parts, and agricultural parts all have significant authentication requirements.

Implementing smart packaging systems is typically cost-effective compared to traditional anti-counterfeiting methods. The savings in expenses, direct consumer connection, and the possibility of developing new business models are all benefits. 

4. Tracking connected & reusable packaging 

Claire Rampen, CEO of Reath explored the benefits of tracking and reusable packaging. A new frontier in sustainability efforts, software solutions have emerged to guide companies through the process of embracing reusable packaging. These platforms provide assistance from decision-making on packaging type and materials to launching and optimising reusable systems.

By utilising tracking methods such as QR codes or RFID tags, companies can gather valuable information on packaging location, monitor product flow, and identify areas for operational improvement, deliver cost savings, improved environmental sustainability and strategic decision-making, all without compromising data privacy. For packaging manufacturers, reusable packaging opens doors to new product development ideas and a shift towards a service-oriented model. 

Transparency and consumer engagement are key pillars of successful reusable packaging systems. Companies can give permission to suppliers and supply chain partners to share verified data on packaging reuse. This data can then be made available to consumers through branded web pages or interactive dashboards, offering insights into the number of reuses, cleaning processes, and other relevant details. Engaging consumers in this way fosters education, trust, and participation in the reuse movement.

5. Now is the time to embrace innovation

Sukhdev Singh Saini, Global Toothbrush & Devices Packaging Lead at Colgate Palmolive shed light on how brands navigate an evolving tech landscape.

By replacing multiple barcodes with a single QR code recognised by various organisations, brands can declutter packaging and create a streamlined consumer experience. Transitioning to a unified code system simplifies packaging and fosters effective communication between brands, consumers, and retailers. The unified code also opens doors to rewards, discounts, and educational content creating positive customer relationships. 

Connected Packaging provides an opportunity for brands to engage consumers at their convenience. By offering optional educational content on packaging materials, sustainability initiatives, brand stories, and recycling methods, brands can empower consumers to make informed choices while respecting their desire for a seamless experience.

Digital printers are being leveraged to serialise packaging, enabling consumers to trace origins, verify sustainability claims, and make conscious purchasing decisions. These advancements align with the growing consumer demand for transparent and eco-friendly packaging solutions.

While the potential of Connected Packaging is immense, brands must overcome certain challenges. Understanding the purpose and value of Connected Packaging, integrating it seamlessly within existing systems, and managing supply chain complexities are critical steps. Starting with pilot projects and gradually scaling implementation allows brands to learn, optimise, and overcome barriers on their journey toward widespread adoption.

Brands that effectively integrate Connected Packaging solutions into their strategies will be well-positioned to meet evolving consumer demands and drive future growth. As brands navigate this dynamic landscape, embracing innovation and leveraging data analytics will be key to unlocking the full potential of connected packaging and creating a more sustainable future.

For more information and to watch the sessions click here.

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