You will never guess how many miles we walked to meet our clients

DMEXCO 2019 met our expectations

Appetite Creative Solutions attended DMEXCO 2019 on the 11th and 12th September in Cologne, Germany. We were looking forward to it and we weren’t disappointed in the end: the conference was a great success for us.

Within two days, we managed to meet current clients, new acquaintances, new clients, long-time friends and walk more than half the distance between Dover and Calais.

Check out what our MD Jenny Stanley had to say about DMEXCO in coverage of the event from both Exchange Wire  and PerformanceIN.

Always come prepared

Failing to plan is planning to fail. We meticulously prepared our visit at the DMEXCO weeks in advance, scheduling important meetings in advance. We wanted to make the most out of our time in Germany. The result was quite satisfying: an agenda filled with quality meetings and no need to improvise much, just follow our programme.

Starting the day with IPONWEB

We started our day in Cologne by visiting the splendid booth of our german client IPONWEB. In addition to the great design of their stand, we could see the explainer video that we produced for them displayed on all their screens. They were very satisfied with the insight that this type of format can offer to their potential clients. In fact, explainers videos are better than any other format when it comes to showcasing complex tech products or services.  People are too busy nowadays and don’t want to spend their valuable time reading a complex text, even at work.  What is better than an animated video to explain a hardly tangible product in less than a couple of minutes? Have a look at the IPONWEB explainer video here.

Meetings and NETWORKING

Then we spent our day in productive meetings with Samsung, Taboola, Captify, Awin Global, Sportradar and many others, and the Impact stand for a lunch break. After walking several kilometres between the different halls, we had well-deserved after-work drinks at the Unruly booth with their Global Marketing Director Lou Nylander before heading to Upcologne for the DMEXCO mixer. Enjoying nibbles and drinks on the 44th floor of the building was the ideal atmosphere to discuss and spark ideas about brand transparency with:

Julia Smith (founder at Digital Trading Consultancy),

Yaroslav Kholod (Head of Programmatic at Admixer),

Florian Gramshammer (Managing Director EMEA at Impact),

Christopher Vogt (Co-Founder and MD at Billfront),

Mattias Spetz (MD EU at Channel Factory)

Dmitriy Schevchenko (MD EMEA at

The second day was also intense, but not as much as the first one. We noticed there were less people, many people only came for the first day and then, of course, there are the inevitables that a few had one too many the night before!

Creativity was very much a theme at the show, certainly more so than last year, which was music to our ears. There was little talk of GDPR or Blockchain which was also a relief!

This edition of the DMEXCO has been beneficial to us for our expansion on the German market and the new contacts we have made, but is has also been quite exhausting. In fact, Jenny Stanley, our managing director,  walked 35,811 steps, which makes approximatively 15,96 miles within the two days.

Tell us in the comment section!

If you were at the DMEXCO this year, how many miles do you think you have walked? ;)

See you next year !

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