1. Flaunt it, don´t sell it

  1. Millennials don’t want or need to be sold to.
  2. The youth of today has more options than the marketers of yesteryear have had hot dinners, and for the last twenty years have been bombarded with achingly outdated popups and adverts that have gone hand in hand with almost universal distrust in what is seen as corporate greed.
  3. We believe in great products, and we believe in great advertising, but what we must do now is offer more by offering less.

Our goal should be to engage our audience by showing them what we can do, the little close button in the corner is far more appealing than anything that does otherwise. “Enhances every user’s experience” should be our goal, today’s audience is too savvy for anything else. For people like us, this should be great news, creativity and data can flourish and there is no reason why we can’t do what we do best and get better results than ever by giving our users the best experience they could ever want. If your can is full of great content, it simply won’t and doesn’t need to, rattle as much as those that aren’t.

2. Get the Most out of Social Media

Facebook’s population alone is an almost unbelievable six times (that’s six hundred per cent) greater than that of the UK and USA combined…  if that doesn’t make you pay attention to your brand’s social media strategy, then nothing will.

Social media is a superpower, it encapsulates the modern world and we simply must use it as best we can. That means being open, honest and fair. If we can obtain a following here, and if we can maintain that following through our precepts, philosophies, and values we will have a ticket to the most visible stage the world has ever known.

3. Keep it mobile friendly

There is simply no need to explain that today’s younger audiences are getting more and more mobile. This isn’t to say that we are becoming addicts any more than previous generations have been addicted to terrestrial television, wireless radios, or telegrams, it’s just that modern technology has shown is the way. Who wouldn’t want to use their handheld device with the wealth of uses it brings. A desktop has to get comfy in the back seat, as mobile is riding up front, so we must put mobile design first. We must make user-friendly mobile apps and campaigns. A mobile screen is not, in any way, a limitation, it is a remarkable, handheld, mobile window to anything we want to see.

4. Gamify

Appetite Creative’s Liquid Games is the number one example of how we are now more than able to connect, develop, and grow their audience reach through competition platforms and game theory. We can offer incentives and seek to establish rituals to engage with brands through extrinsic motivation. Gamification is the example of how marketers can improve user experience and offer users a choice and an enhanced involvement in what they are doing at the moment that they are doing it.

By using data and world-class design, we can provide an opportunity to see and be involved in what our demographics want to see and want to do. We can flaunt our expertise, our abilities and our creativity and we simply don’t need to sell as we did before. Let’s offer better options, let’s not get in the way, and let’s get the user on our side by giving something truly innovative, engaging, and effective back.

5. Use Great Copywriting, Design, and CTAs

The power of great copy has never been so prominent. In a world of limited space and the heightening wariness of intrusion, copy, great design and magnetic CTAs- all sharing the same pedestal as the number one tools to attract engagements and clicks. We should be striving for the subtle, succinct, and stylish copy. We need great logos, great CTAs and great copy to exploit what the data tells us and give users what we know will enhance their experience. It is unforgiving, blatant, and powerful and if we can find the key here, we will open that window that we need to open a world of scope to every demographic we choose to approach.

Appetite Creative is known and successful as a place that can provide all of the above, our logo design has recently been heralded as the best around, our social following is booming, and our innovation, married with our creativity, is second to none. Embrace the modern world, work with the modern demographic, and deliver what your potential says you can.

If we can help you or your business in any way, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and find out exactly where Appetite Creative can take your idea. You can do it by mail: jennifer@appetitecreative.com

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