As the dust settles on Google’s Coalition for Better Ads, we want to show you the top five formats that will give any campaign as much, if not more, impact than ever. Just as attention-grabbing, but far less intrusive. All of the below work on ALL devices.

In no particular order, here are our top five with some images and demo examples:

Liquid Skins

The skin that works seamlessly across all screen sizes providing high impact yet non-intrusive creativity at scale.Liquid skins will always work with multiple publishers at once, minimal certification, and across all devices and screens. Appetite Creative’s Liquid Skin is a 1-Tag format, so no laborious testing!

The adjustable and dynamic skins can be served over multiple site lists, they are interactive, adjust to ANY responsive site, and move with the user as they scroll, creating a 100% viewable format.

Here are some Desktop examples

Don’t forget this is not only for desktop. There is also a mobile version with a myriad of variants; take a look at these fantastic examples


A popular replacement for the now banned Interstitial- also works across all three devices.

The Interscroller can host larger imagery and large videos easily be shown using the interscroller. The creative will open up to full screen as the user scrolls down and then past the ad. The interscroller works as the user scrolls, opening to full screen before hiding away as the scroll continues. Unintrusive, yet impossible to ignore.

Interscroller with Bottom Banner

Our take on the visually impressive interscroller, but with an added banner at the bottom of the page, more room for CTAs, a reflection of the content displayed by the interscroller that encourages a notably higher CTR.

Ad articles

Ad articles open the possibilities up to many advertisers using a single campaign, or a single advertiser showing off multiple products. We can autorotate the windows, and autoload on a different panel each time. This can work video and images or even have areas to download white papers. With multiple creatives placed on a carousel, the user will be able to see a whole range of products as they navigate.


Works across mobile, tablet and desktop, and can be a great place to show a campaign with video. Fantastic additional revenue, and a perfect addition to pre-roll.

100 % viewable format, the banner “sticks” to the screen while the user scrolls and it works across all formats, yet has a close button and click for sound as per the coalition recommendations.

We have a huge range of case studies available from all of these top formats and would be more than willing to share them with you. Or, perhaps you need some assistance increasing the range of formats you offer after the coalition has sliced out some of your favourites?

Get in touch, we would love to help.

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