Average Session Time

3 min

Speed Index


Average Session Duration

2min 30sec

Project Overview

With the website, we focused on creating a platform that was simple and with ease of use at the centre.


A complete branding solution was needed. We needed to show warmth, honesty, and clarity. We need to convey, as honestly as possible, the standards sought out by Richard and Abling. Abling is all about enabling people to share life-changing experiences and fun activities with those that need it in difficult times of illness. We had to make sure that this mantra was reflected in everything from the website to photography and from business cards to newsletters.

Everyone has the gift of time and many people have skills, extraordinary or not, that could change or improve the health, state of mind and wellbeing of people in need. I realised I needed to create a platform to enable this type of sharing and empowerment for everyone… Abling was born. And Appetite Creative helped to bring this dream to fruition through the design and development of the Abling platform making it possible to connect these communities. – Richard Bourne, Founder of Abling


We started with the colours. We used deep blue, medium blue, off white, cream, and clay to create a gender-neutral, uplifting, positive, and warming colour palette. We designed and developed a user-friendly website working closely with the brand guidelines. The website can now not only process bookings, but also provides a communication channel between enables and ablers.

Abling’s website now makes use of PHP as the primary language, sitting on the shoulders of the Laravel / Symfony frameworks. The database is provided by MariaDB. Most of the website is built with Laravel benefiting in some areas of the usage Vue.js for additional interaction. The platform was built, aside from PHP, with HTML5, CSS3/SASS and JavaScript.

There’s also a full custom CMS admin, built with Vue.js for full interaction and dynamic, connected to Laravel own built API, enabling full control, deletion, creation of accounts and control for the moderation of images and content.


With the website, we focused on creating a platform that was simple and with ease of use at the centre. A site that’s focus was to easily and comfortably enable people to help and would allow people to reach out.

Our main goal was to leverage UX and Wireframes in order to create a website that was not only mobile friendly but also really focused on usability. As a result, we achieved an average session duration of 2 minutes and 30 seconds.