Times played


Average engagement time

2:39 min

Shares on WhatsApp


Project Overview

To interact more with the target group after the start of school following the pandemic, we designed a Connected Experiences campaign for KDD that was played almost 200,000 times.


Due to the global pandemic, children were unable to physically attend school for a year. With schools reopening in September, KDD was looking for a way to reconnect with children and families and use this opportunity to engage further with them through their juice and milk drinks.

Our task was to develop an attractive and engaging game that showcases the KDD beverage range and provides a fun and interactive experience for all age groups.

Young people have been away from school for more than a year due to the pandemic and we wanted to find a fun interactive way to reconnect them as they go back to school. We’re incredibly pleased with the bright, engaging, and fun connected AR experience developed by Appetite Creative. We’re confident young people and parents alike are going to enjoy sharing selfies and playing the brilliant games while enjoying their KDD drinks in lunchboxes and on the go


To achieve KDD’s goals of interacting with their customers beyond the physical product, we created a multi-level experience consisting of a 2D racing game, an AR game and a range of AR filters for users to share their results on social media with, all activated through a QR code on KDD’s products.

In the first level users have to race to school in a car personalized according to their favourite KDD flavour. On the way are obstacles that the players have to focus hard on to avoid, as well as boosting ingredients like chocolate or banana that can help complete the game faster for a better result on the leaderboard.

After succeeding in the initial racing game, the AR game “What’s in my lunchbox?” is unlocked and can be accessed through the smartphone’s camera. It combines brilliant visuals with leading interactive technology. Here, items such as KDD products and fruit are hurled out of a lunchbox in a three-dimensional space, which the player has to slice as quickly as possible in three different levels by controlling the movement of their previously chosen 3D character.

After completing both games, the platform encourages users to share their results on Social Media to increase their chances of winning one of the promotion’s prizes. One of the ways to do this was to use the AR selfie filters we specifically developed for KDD’s products.


While the campaign is still currently live, in the first three months since launching in September, it has recorded over 96,000 scans, with the different games having been played more than 191,000 times and impressive average session duration of 2 minutes and 39 seconds! The engaging design of the different levels has managed to keep the experience’s bounce rate at only 1,09%!

In addition, more than 9,9k users entered their data in order to appear on the leaderboard, providing KDD with a lot of interesting information about their users. The CTA encouraging sharing on social media also proved to work, with the game having registered over 2.6k shares across WhatsApp, Twitter and Facebook!