Packaging plays a pivotal role in shaping brand perception within the landscape of consumer goods: driving consumer engagement, and fostering sustainability. Traditionally, packaging design has often centered around aesthetics and functionality. However, as the realm of connected packaging continues to expand, a new paradigm is emerging—one that prioritizes outcomes over features. As Craig Stobie from Domino Printing remarked during The Results of the Connected Packaging 2024 Survey held by Appetite Creative, “Rather than starting with the data carrier, start with the outcome you want and work backwards.” This encapsulates a powerful strategy that holds the key to unlocking the full potential of connected packaging initiatives.

The concept of reverse engineering success in packaging entails starting with a clear understanding of the desired outcomes and then meticulously crafting packaging solutions that align with those objectives. Here’s how outcome-driven packaging can revolutionize packaging design and drive impactful results:

Clarify Objectives

The journey towards outcome-driven packaging begins with defining clear and measurable objectives. Whether the goal is to enhance consumer engagement, streamline supply chain operations, or reduce environmental impact, having a crystal-clear vision sets the stage for success.

Identify Stakeholders 

It’s essential to involve all relevant stakeholders—internal teams, suppliers, distributors, and end consumers—in the outcome-driven packaging process. By soliciting input and feedback from diverse perspectives, brands can ensure that their packaging solutions address the needs and expectations of all parties involved.

Define Key Metrics

To measure the effectiveness of outcome-driven packaging initiatives, brands must establish key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with their objectives. These metrics could include consumer engagement metrics (e.g., scan rates, time spent interacting with packaging), environmental metrics (e.g., recyclability, carbon footprint), and business metrics (e.g., sales lift, brand loyalty).

Work Backwards

With objectives, stakeholders, and metrics in place, brands can now reverse engineer their packaging solutions by working backwards from the desired outcomes. This involves identifying the most effective technologies, materials, and design elements that will help achieve those outcomes and deliver value to consumers.

Iterate and Optimize

The journey towards outcome-driven packaging is iterative in nature. Brands must continuously gather feedback, analyze data, and refine their packaging solutions to ensure ongoing improvement and relevance. This iterative approach fosters innovation and agility, enabling brands to adapt to evolving consumer preferences and market dynamics.

By embracing the power of outcome-driven packaging, brands can create packaging solutions that transcend mere functionality and become catalysts for meaningful experiences and positive change. Whether it’s enhancing brand loyalty, reducing environmental impact, or driving sales growth, the strategic alignment of packaging with desired outcomes unlocks endless possibilities for innovation and differentiation in today’s competitive landscape.

If you want to learn more insights, you can now download the full report from the Connected Packaging Survey 2024!

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