Valentine’s day is a special time of year for many people, and it’s no different for Guerlain. The beauty brand has released a special lipstick as part of its Valentine’s Day collection. Quickly creating a lot of buzz.

To generate customer engagement they created an innovative game with the ability to win the lipstick as a prize. The game involves a single-use card and a special limited-edition lipstick. In order to take part, customers must buy the special Valentine’s Day lipstick from one of Guerlain Boutiques or from their online website.

The card will reveal a unique winning combination on the reverse side when it is opened, similar to a scratch card. If customers manage to match the winning combination with their Valentine’s Day lipstick, they will win a luxury prize package. The game has become a huge success. The game has been played more than one million times since its launch and has received more than a million positive reviews. This is thanks in part to Guerlain’s social media campaign. The use of influencers and celebrity endorsements spread the word very effectively.

Furthermore, the game has seen a significant increase in engagement on Guerlain’s social media channels, with over 250,000 comments and 3.5 million engagements. In addition to this, Guerlain’s Valentine’s Day lipstick game has become popular in other markets. In China, the game was used to promote the brand’s luxurious lipstick line. This resulted in a 50% increase in sales for February.

This demonstrates the international appeal of the game, as well as its effectiveness in driving sales. Overall, Guerlain’s Valentine’s Day lipstick game has been a huge success. Not only is it a great way to engage customers, but it has also driven sales and increased engagement on social media. With its unique and interactive experience, it’s no wonder the game has become such a hit.

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