NFC stands for Near Field Communication, an international transmission standard for wireless data exchange over short distances. This technology uses Radio Frequency Identification that transmits data via electromagnetic induction. NFC complements Bluetooth, as these connections are easier and faster to establish by eliminating the cumbersome pairing process. Today, we can find NFC in everyday things such as stickers, labels, plastic keys and credit cards. Companies are also using this technology to get creative regarding interactive marketing campaigns.

Here are some different ways to use NFC cleverly:

⦁ NFC tags as virtual business cards:

Integrating NFC on business cards gives customers and leads more information about the brand, social media, and contact details. With NFC, you can store more data than on a traditional card. With this new type of half-digital half-fiscal business card, you can offer interactive experiences with helpful information that will help you retain your new leads more efficiently.

⦁ Opening or locking doors with NFC:

This technology is called a smart lock. It allows data storage on contactless cards. A famous example is Tesla: the car brand uses NFC instead of traditional keys to unlock and lock its electronic cars. The use reflects the modernity of the brand. This technology is widespread in hotels, as they use it as an alternative to traditional room keys.

⦁ NFC tags for payment:

The process of payment becomes mobile. NFC guarantees the secure storage of information from credit cards. But there are other advantages to using this form of payment: Reduce selling costs and increase profit margins Easily accessible to everyone Easy to use Increases the addressable market Less fraud and brand damage

⦁ NFC on clothing and other wearable items:

Manufacturers have succeeded in making NFC tags heat-resistant and washable. This enables companies to apply these tags to clothing. The Nike brand, for example, has launched connected jerseys. The NFC tag is attached to these and provides the consumer with exclusive deals or highlights about Nike products.

⦁ NFC in inventory management:

The introduction of NFC can improve storage systems. It becomes easier to scan and update stock as it only depends on the proximity of the code. This can prevent a code from being lost or damaged.

As you can see, NFC technology is very versatile: customer engagement, asset management, supply chain visibility and automation.

If you are interested in using NFC or exploring how your brand can be benefited from its uses, reach out to us today HERE.

If you want to read more about NFC, check out our other article about the difference between QR codes and NFC technology.

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