There are five basic steps in the consumer decision-making process by which consumers evaluate their purchase decision. Today we will discuss this part of the customer journey so you can use reverse engineering to create a marketing strategy that fits your client’s profile.

  1. Problem recognition

The first step in the consumer’s decision-making process is recognizing the need for a service or product. Recognizing a need, whether triggered internally or externally, leads both to a desire. Since the internal stimulus comes from within and includes essential stimuli such as hunger or a lifestyle change, the focus should be on sales. In contrast, marketing efforts should focus on external stimuli.

As a brand, you should develop a comprehensive campaign to increase awareness and recognition, as you want consumers to know and trust you. Most importantly, you want them to feel like they have a problem that only you and your product can solve.

  1. Information search

In exploring their options, consumers rely on positive, negative, internal and external factors and previous experiences with a product or brand. They may seek information locally or consult online resources such as search engines or customer reviews in the information phase.

Your job as a brand is to give potential customer access to the information they want in hopes that they will decide to purchase your product or service. Present yourself as a trusted source of knowledge and information. Another vital strategy is word-of-mouth: since consumers trust each other more than businesses. You should include consumer-generated content on your websites, like reviews or testimonials.

  1. Alternatives evaluation

At this point in consumer decision-making, potential buyers have developed characteristics for what they want from a product. Now they weigh their choice against comparable alternatives. Alternatives may come in the form of lower prices, additional product benefits, product availability or things as personal as colour or style options.

Your marketing materials should convince consumers that your product is superior to the other alternatives. Be prepared to overcome objections. For example, know your competitors during sales pitches, so you can answer questions and compare benefits.

  1. Purchase decision

Once the consumer has gathered all the facts, including feedback from previous customers, he should come to a logical conclusion about which product or service to buy.

After optimizing your marketing strategy, the consumer will realize that your product is the best option and decide to buy it.

  1. Post-purchase evaluation

The last part of the consumer decision-making process requires consideration on the part of both the consumer and the seller.

As a seller, you should answer the following questions:

  • Has the purchase fulfilled the customer’s need?
  • Is the customer satisfied with the purchase?
  • How can you continue to work with this customer?
  • Did the customer have a positive experience with your product?

If you are interested in this topic and want to read more about the consumers decision-making process check out this article.

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HERE you can find our article about digital packaging to help you understand the topic and its importance.

We constantly innovate to create unique tech solutions and ad-serving technology that generates eye-catching and engaging branding and marketing campaigns that drive global awareness and education. We can help you to make your brand stand out and deliver the right message using the latest technology and advancements in digital marketing. If you are interested and need help following the right marketing strategy, contact us HERE.

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