As Cannes Lions draws to a close, it is time for takeaways from Jenny Stanley.

1.Creativity and tech working together is a big topic

  1. Creativity and technology working together is a big topic. As mentioned in  the Adhugger article,  this year’s edition revolved heavily around the topic of technology and creativity coming together in order to help agencies reach wider audiences. ” What we also noted was that the theme of technology enabling creativity has been reversed and is now creativity enabling technology. This is no doubt driven by more tech brands than ever are getting involved in the creative space.”
  2. 2.People are dubious as to whether consultants will be any better than agencies
  3. Consultants are on the rise  within our industry, causing a competition to agencies. Traditional agencies had total control over campaigns, from its infancy to the release to the general public. Today, consultants take over certain parts of the marketing campaign. As consultants become popular, especially in the early ages of a campaign, agencies have to find new ways to draw audience and increase their marketshare. Nevertheless, brands and people still prefer to go through traditional agencies rather than consultants.
  4. 3. Divertsity was something talked about less than last year yet still quite a few manels spotted
  5. This is a direct takeaway from Cannes Lions. Diversity is still on everyone’s mind as brands and companies  keep on marketing and advertising to one genre of clientele, thus not reflecting their product/service on the whole of the population but rather on a very niched segment.  Open up the marketing strategies to reach wide audiences by keeping a diverse team and diverse target audiences.
  6. 4. No major brand/celebrity attending the event
  7. This is more of a side note. Traditionally, major brands always attended Cannes Lions Festival as a way to show case their works and their plans within the industry. This year, no Google, no major brand, and no celebrity, who also are big players in the industry, are nowhere to be seen.
  8. 5.Chris Evans Breakfast Show live from Cannes
  9. Attending the live broadcast of the Chris Evans Show was probably the biggest highlight of the festival.

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