The World famous British public service broadcaster BBC launched ‘Live the Story,’ a new brand positioning and major global marketing campaign. The ‘Live the Story’ campaign focuses on BBC World News and encourages the audiences to make their own reporting around the World. The great advantage of this program is that the journalists live the story, so the audience can live the story along with them.

In order to encourage a global audience to visit the USA’s lesser-known cities, BBC ‘Live the Story’ creates a project Brand USA. It consists of a series of 12 two-minute commercial films called the USA Through Film. Each of them is created by top Hollywood directors such as Spike Lee, John Avildsen, David Frankel and John Lee Hancock where they shared deeply personal insights into their relationship with and love of a particular city.

The main challenges were to create a unique design that would remind people that the USA is filled with boundless possibilities while reigniting the world’s love affair with America. It should be something that gets the attention of the audience that is looking for the extraordinary experience and for the beauty of the people diversity.

The Campaign

After a deep analysis of the project and the audience, Appetite Creative produced a full package with video units which lived both on YouTube and on the BBC Sites globally.

The campaign ran highlighted 6 different regions, California Charleston, NYC and Texas focusing on Australia, UK and Canada.

The Brand USA logo is grounded in the idea of boundless possibilities and represents the idea that there is no single element that defines the United States. Rather, it embraces the spirit of America by communicating that each citizen, visitor, experience and interaction helps create the fabric of American culture. It highlights and reinforces the idea that unique elements interact to create something larger.
It is welcoming, unexpected and inclusive. It is interpretive and adaptive; constantly evolving based on its surroundings. It is, simply, the visual expression of awesome possibilities.

The results

Due to the ability of the design to get attention and a great connection with the
goals and spirit of Brand USA, the campaign was placed in more than ten main USA
BBC channels and helped to reach more than 22 millions of impressions in the first
30 days with the incredible constant monthly rise. The CTR was a whopping 0.90%
of CTR which is 18 times higher than the benchmark of 0.05%
1,4 million people watched more than 50% of the video
And over a 3rd of the audience watched the entire video which was 01:48 long!

Are you looking for an incredible corporate design? Appetite Creative knows the ideal ways to leverage the visual and voice identities across multiple touchpoints to support a consistent point of view throughout all marketing efforts. 

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