Project Overview

Gulf Union, a leading juice brand, partnered with Appetite Creative, a creative tech studio specialising in Connected Packaging, to launch an innovative Back to School campaign aimed at schoolchildren. The campaign aimed to create an engaging and memorable experience for young consumers, utilising technology to enhance their interaction with Gulf Union’s products in Saudi Arabia. This experience comprised two captivating games: “Juice Punch” and “Juice Run.” The central objective was to establish how Gulf Union’s juices could provide an energy boost to kids as they returned to school, making their start of the school year exciting and invigorating.


The core challenge was to captivate the attention of schoolchildren and create an experience that resonated with them, ensuring that Gulf Union’s products were seen as a vital part of their Back to School preparations. The campaign needed to overcome the common marketing hurdles of reaching and engaging a young demographic. Moreover, the challenge was to convey the message that Gulf Union juices could provide the energy and enthusiasm needed for a successful start to the school year.


To address these challenges, Gulf Union collaborated with Appetite Creative to devise an interactive and playful experience. The campaign introduced two games, “Juice Punch” and “Juice Run,” both designed to entertain and educate. “Juice Punch” engaged players with IQ-based challenges, subtly communicating how the juices could enhance cognitive abilities. “Juice Run” tested players’ speed and attention, symbolising the energetic boost Gulf Union’s juices offered.

The experience was further enriched with a “Selfies” section, allowing players to adorn themselves with a fruity tiara and capture the moment. A “Leaderboard” feature fostered friendly competition, enabling participants to see their rankings and encouraging repeated engagement.


  • Engaging Back to School Experience: The campaign successfully achieved its goal of creating an engaging and exciting Back to School experience. The interactive games resonated with school children, effectively communicating Gulf Union’s message of energy and empowerment.
  • Enhanced Brand Perception: Gulf Union’s collaboration with Appetite Creative elevated the brand’s image among its young consumers. The interactive experience associated the brand with fun, vitality, and education, fostering a stronger connection between students and Gulf Union juices.
  • Educational Engagement: The IQ-focused “Juice Punch” game seamlessly blended entertainment and education. It subtly conveyed the message that Gulf Union’s juices could provide cognitive benefits, aligning well with the campaign’s goal.
  • Amplified Digital Interaction: The integration of QR codes with the interactive experience streamlined digital engagement, offering students easy access to the games. This approach not only facilitated participation but also provided Gulf Union with valuable insights into user behaviour.