Cited in the eMarketer’s September report “UK Pandemic Effects – Mindful Marketing in a More Digital Post-Pandemic Landscape”

Our client Susanne McKinley, Marketing Manager at TetraPak, together with our founder and managing director, Jenny Stanley was cited in the latest eMarketer report. The report addresses the challenges that came with the pandemic and that forced many companies and individuals to adapt to digital in the UK.

The pandemic created big challenges for the UK as for every other country in the world. The crisis pressured many companies to go digital and to use the opportunities and options that online offers. The digital transformation was pushed by the virus and brands should seriously reflect how they can grow and maintain their digital presence.

Susanne highlights the importance of customer loyalty and how digital solutions could have helped a lot of small local businesses to keep their customers:

“[Retailers focused on older consumers] will have to focus a lot more on loyalty in general,” said Susanne McKinley, marketing manager at food packaging company Tetra Pak. “Pre-pandemic, the local butcher or baker would have had a loyalty card, but they haven’t been open in months, so they’ve lost that traction. If they’d had that in a digital form, they could have continued to build some traction with consumers to get them either back in the store or keep them online.”

Jenny agreed and emphasized the significance of a brand protecting its staff and customers in these difficult times. It’s important to stay true to your brand’s values.

If a brand isn’t taking steps to protect its staff or customers, then that’s massive damage that cannot be recuperated in a few weeks,” said Jenny Stanley, founder and CEO of digital tech studio Appetite Creative. “Doing the right thing by your own customers, along with standing for things like sustainability, for example, is going to be super important for brands.”

Please find the full eMarketer report here.

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