Project Overview:

This project was a unique marketing campaign designed to introduce the new Mini Moments Dessert Pack from the globally recognised brand, Kit Kat, produced by Nestle. The Dessert Pack featured a variety of flavours, each one unique and desirable in its own right. Given Kit Kat’s long-standing presence in the market, the challenge was to showcase these new flavours in a way that would draw attention and spur interest without detracting from the well-established brand image.


Kit Kat, a staple in the confectionery industry, faced the challenge of introducing a new product line – the Mini Moments Dessert Pack – that had a variety of unique flavours to a market where their brand had become so commonplace it risked being easily ignored. The main task was to present these new flavours distinctly and enticingly without showing bias towards any particular one. There was also the need to find a balance in the creative process – a transition that was too dramatic could be distracting and irritating, yet too subtle might fail to draw any attention at all. The challenge was to innovate without losing the positive emotions tied to the Kit Kat brand.


In response to these challenges, a creative marketing approach was developed. A desktop skin was designed, using classic Kit Kat design elements merged with the features of the new product. This was done subtly enough not to distract users from the on-screen content, yet attractively enough to draw attention. A video was added to the header, which could be smoothly hidden if the user decided to scroll down the page.

Furthermore, an animation was incorporated in the left banner to tease the individual dessert flavours without intruding on the main content. It revealed a Kit Kat with the names of the new flavours, such as “Cherry Brownie,” which protruded from the frame. This was designed to entice users to explore further and engage with the brand’s new offering.


The new approach to presenting Kit Kat’s Mini Moments Dessert Pack was a resounding success. The marketing campaign proved that a globally recognised brand could be represented in a fresh, subtle, yet effective way that piqued consumer interest without detracting from the inherent appeal of the brand. This was demonstrated by the click-through rate (CTR) of over 1.5%, a figure nearly eight times the benchmark. The campaign showed that even for well-established brands, innovative design and high-quality build can still make a significant impact and push the brand’s boundaries.

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